Posted by: graemebird | February 14, 2013

No Debating Religion At Catallaxy( Unless You Are Dumping On Christianity)

  1. Sounds interesting Nuke. But your forgot to mention that the Big Bang is utterly refuted claptrap. An attempt to bring the Torah into science. There is no such thing as a singularity, this is just some stupid kid getting excited when he divides some number by zero. And since we are talking religion here clearly Judaism is the worst and most destructive. Particularly when these people start locking their Talmudic idiocy into the sciences.

    Harold Green14 Feb 13 at 3:52 pm
  2. And since we are talking religion here clearly Judaism is the worst and most destructive. Particularly when these people start locking their Talmudic idiocy into the sciences.


  3. “Blessed are the cheesemakers.”

    Now you are talking. Taken from a parody of one of the most wonderful religious speeches ever. The new testament was written by the Roman Antonine emperors with help from scholars and Jewish “friendlies.” It was designed as an antidote to the racist, deceptive and violent horrors which preceded it. But the emperors could not help making fun of the Jews. So they inserted that joke about eating the flesh of Jesus and drinking his blood. The joke ceased to be funny when the religion took hold over former gentiles and not merely the Jews it was intended for.

    Other then that and one or two other problems, the brilliantly invented religion would have solved most of the problems it was meant to solve. Particularly since the Antonine emperors smashed the Jews, destroyed their temple and sent them running. But for two thousand years, or at least for the last one thousand, there has been concerted sponsorship by Jews and perhaps others to make Christianity more Judaic. This is where most of the violence has come from. So for example Calvin was a Jew. He was born Cohen, then changed his name to Cauvin and finally Calvin. And with the appropriate financial backing he became dictator of Geneva, and made a sector of Christianity more Jew-like and therefore more despicably violent. Same story with all the way down the line.

    The new testament appears to the logician to be untenable. This is to understand it as a stand-alone document, rather then medicine to cure the horror of what preceded it, and what ought to have died out soon after its birth.

    Harold Green14 Feb 13 at 4:04 pm
  4. Now that the Pope has resigned the Catholic Church ought to re-Christianise itself. They should quietly drop the Roman joke about eating Jesus. There is nothing wrong with still including some mildly pagan ideas in there. This gives the religion a sort of richness. But they ought ruthlessly purge the place of Judaism, Crypto-Jews and Gays. So you could get rid of the crypto-Jews with simple genetic tests. Then you could use lie detectors and other tests to get rid of people with a gay or predilection. Then the idea would be to promote clergy partly on the basis of how smart they are as is done today. But also they should prefer clergy with large families for promotion.

    Of course they must get rid of this nonsense to do with contraception. Because its an attempt to deceive. And therefore too Jew-like. And therefore no good. Large families ought to rightly be encouraged where people are working hard and are smart. But not by deceptive means.

    You have to take the Jerusalem out of Christianity and insert the Athens. This is for the sake of all of humanity.

    Harold Green14 Feb 13 at 4:13 pm
  5. You have to take the Jerusalem out of Christianity and insert the Athens.

    I wish you would let the doctors insert something into you, (presumed) Graeme.

    steve from brisbane14 Feb 13 at 4:17 pm
  6. Pedro

    14 Feb 13 at 4:20 pm

  7. “I wish you would let the doctors insert something into you…”

    You just had to take it anal didn’t you? But since I have become an even greater fan of (true) Christianity as the years have rolled on, I shall turn the other (facial) cheek and not retaliate to your jibes and fantasies, coming straight out of the old testament Sodom.

    Harold Green14 Feb 13 at 4:21 pm
  8. Since the universe is not 13.5 billion years old as the young universe creation theorists assert without any basis whatsoever ….. Since the universe is trillions upon mega-trillions of years old, the belief in a supreme being becomes a respectable belief. Since such a being could well have “evolved” in the meantime.

    We need to look at systems theory to see how the universe really works. However it has worked in the distant past by now there will have evolved a steady process of creation growth and decay which will lead to either a stable or slowly growing universe. Not the hurtling chaos of heat death that the Jews have locked in as a way to demoralize people.

    No evidence exists of the violently expanding universe. The evidence appears to lead one to think of a slowly growing system. But in any case this lie about this hurtling heat death nonsense, leading to maximum disorder, is a way of telling us that none of our achievements are worthwhile. To the contrary. If we can solve a few key problems our efforts may echo down the line for billions of years of happiness and wonderment.

    Harold Green14 Feb 13 at 4:26 pm
  9. I’m pretty sure Jesus was talking about anal when he said to turn the other cheek.

    Yobbo14 Feb 13 at 4:27 pm
  10. He wasn’t a Jew Yobbo. He was the first Christian.

    Harold Green14 Feb 13 at 4:37 pm
  11. The new testament is a brilliant antidote to the problems that evolution injects into the intelligent species. Racism. Tribalism. Getting ahead through deceit. Doing appalling things when you have a technical excuse or when you think no-one will catch you out. The tendency to enslave others.

    The new testament is the antidote for all of these. And a brilliant one at that. Now since we have said that a belief in a Supreme Being becomes respectable, once we know the universe is many trillions of trillions of trillions of years old ….. Then its also somewhat respectable to think such a being may have taken time out to lend a hand to the Antonine emperors in the formulation of this religion.

    Harold Green14 Feb 13 at 4:42 pm
  12. I don’t know why you believe that the Big Bang is not a valid theory, HG. Can you prove your speculation that the Universe is much older, or have you had some sort of divine revelation? Tell us your WHY?

    Nuke Gray14 Feb 13 at 4:44 pm
  14. Pedro

    14 Feb 13 at 4:57 pm

  15. “I don’t know why you believe that the Big Bang is not a valid theory, HG. ”

    Its notable for its total lack of evidence and for being built upon multiple idiocies locked in by Jews. For example its build on the Talmudic idiocy of special relativity. Locked in by Einsteins Zionist Synagogue buddies and not part of science for any other reason.

    For the second part of your question straight probability theory rules out us being close to any beginning or even any unstable period of universe development.

    Harold Green14 Feb 13 at 4:57 pm
  16. Harold sounds awfully like Bird

    Pedro14 Feb 13 at 5:00 pm

    1. Bird, why do the Jews care about the Big Bang theory? You’ve never explained that fully.

      FiskyI gave fisk a pretty good explanation that the evil Jew Sinclair wiped. But Fisk can get a pretty good explanation scrolling up. Or a fuller one if he comes here to ask me.14 Feb 13 at 5:09 pm
    2. The other thing is that as we looked in all directions, were the big bang true, the shape of the universe would not appear to us as a sphere. Rather it would appear as a bugle or a cornucopia. It would have a sense of spread to it. Not have the sense that we can look the same distance in every direction and see, for the most part, the same concentrations of galaxies.

      Then if it were true they wouldn’t have to assume really stupid stuff. Like for example they have to assume that the universe is mostly hydrogen. They do this by judging the composition of stars in the following way. Suppose I was to get the composition of our first Van Allen belt? Suppose I found it out that it was mostly hydrogen but basically protons. Should I then say that the earth is made of protons? Or mostly Hydrogen? This is demented.

      In reality the universe, by mass will be made mostly of its most stable elements. Elements like iron and nickel, which is why we have stars with very strong magnetic fields and electrical activity. Electrical fields also cause red shift.

      1. The other thing is that as we looked in all directions, were the big bang true, the shape of the universe would not appear to us as a sphere. Rather it would appear as a bugle or a cornucopia.

        I think you’ve had a bit too much bugle.

        Yobbo14 Feb 13 at 5:16 pmHere I told Yobbo that he was probably a Jew, therefore incapable of thinking like an Athenian and that he probably ought not try.
      2. [Hi Graham – bye Graham. Sinc]

        Harold Green14 Feb 13 at 5:17 pm
      4. How have the Jews caused global warming, HG? When did the elders of zion decide to inflict that on us- have you read a new edition of their Protocols?

        Nuke Gray14 Feb 13 at 5:28 pmFucking hell.  I knew Nuke was a dummy but I didn’t think he’d fall for this global warming racket. Nuke if they can lock Einsteins idiocy in they can lock anything in. They see to it that the figures are faked and they do to people who disagree with them what Jews usually do to people who disagree with them.

Crap. I somehow didn’t manage to copy the rest of the story that the evil Jew Sinclair has eradicated.

“…… Singer’s argument that there is no real compelling reason why birth makes a difference either….”

Singer is a Jew and therefore takes a murderous view towards Gentile babies.  As a Jew he thinks that Gentiles are Goyim and animals and he uses his philosophy to convince Gentiles that this is all they are.  He’s primarily a Jew and not a philosopher of any quality.  Years of philosophy has not helped break out of his lock-step leftism.

No-one should be taken in by Peter Singer’s ludicrous pseudo-reasoning. He’s no philospher. He’s a Jew. So he’s not been able to restrain himself when it comes to advocating the blood sacrifice of gentile babies.


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