Posted by: graemebird | October 10, 2015

There Was No Muslim Terrorist Attack In Sydney Last Week.

It was a faked event.  No 15 year old Iranian was killed. The media is lying.  And we can tell this by reading the stories in the daily mail last Thursday. But it may very well be the case that Curtis Cheng was murdered as part of this plot.  Lets see the footage of the kid killing Curtis Cheng if it is the kid who is to blame.

I am making this determination on the basis of the sort of newspaper stories we got of incidents that were later proved to be fake events.  Specifically the Boston Marathon bombing and the Sandy Hook shootings.  These were both proven to be staged events where no-one died.  Although with these things we expect targeted killings to stop participants from getting loose-tongued.

Daily telegraph October 8 2015.  First page three cops impossible to identify due to their paramilitary clobber.  And a big bloke with his face blocked out.   Three headlines, but reading the actual articles shows absolutely no audit trail to any of this shit?  Why is the teenager held to be an Iranian? So that his arab schoolmates cannot pin him down as a non-Muslim crisis actor.

First articles has mixed up  “terror raids” where four adults were arrested.  There is a claim that two teenage brothers were “go-betweens” and put a gun in the hands of the 15 year old in the play-acting.  The other side of the transaction is held to be a notorious Middle Eastern crime family.  Not notorious to me so who are they? Don’t know.  Dog ate my homework.

Pages 2 and 3.  Not a single photo where you can identify a single individual.  Except for Omarjan Azari.  Probably an agent.  All the rest are obscured.  In these faked events you never have heard of the journalists before.  The writing never produces an audit trail.  Most stories are written by two or three journalists supposedly.

“They wouldn’t give a f … what the gun was used for,” a senior police source told The Daily Telegraph.”

This alleged quote was in the newspaper version as well.  I am using it as an example to show how all these stories are constructed.  There is almost nothing to track down if you yourself wanted to investigate matters.  In the newspaper version the photo of the kid looks like an artists rendition.  Its a photo that looks like its been translated to a picture.  It does not look like a real photo.

What about the family of the killer in this story? Well no news of the parents.  This fellow does not seem to have parents. Even an immaculately conceived Jew has place-holders so where is Mum and Dad?  But he does have a sister in the story. And the Turkish police are said to be looking for his sister. Its another nothing story.  Nothing to check.  The elder sister is said to have flown out to either Syria or Iraq? Why these two? The flight was for Istanbul in this story and the kid in this fantasy is Iranian.  Well it may be to cast aspersions on Arabs and on Syria.  But the kid had to be Iranian, since if he was even a real crisis actor, that they placed into a few classes in Parramatta for a year, he would be a sephardic Jew.  Which means amongst Iranians he may have a hard time passing for an Iranian at his age.  And amongst Lebanese students he could have been hard put trying to be an Arab.  So he has to be someone other than the students in Sydney.

“He’s f … ed in the head, he’s crazy, he has a mental problem,” said one classmate……”

Other classmates described the 15-year-old as “really secretive”, “quiet”, “creepy” and somebody who got “too close” when he talked to others.”

I guess none of them wanted to be named either? Or need not be named because of their youth.  So it goes all the way through.  The Jews concocting this nonsense do so in such a way that nothing can be checked.

“The manager of the Parramatta kebab shop Jabar frequented with his family said he was a reserved and shy boy who offered little more than “hello” when greeted.” Just the confident swaggering psychopath you would expect to go on a shooting rampage? No.  More like a planted crisis actor who does not wish to be profiled correctly so says as little as he can.

If he is a crisis actor then he is best just to show up in a few places and say as little as possible.  So he has a family now? And yet in none of these stories do we have any detail about the mother and father.  Only a sister thought to have flown to Istanbul.   They just pile in the detail, yet none of the detail that you could ever fact-check or follow up.

Now look at this bullshit video:

For starters the cop is not professional at all.  BECAUSE he steps into the line of fire. He has to step into the line of fire in order to give himself the excuse to kill the kid.  Because the kid has to die in this pantomime.  So they paste over this unprofessional behaviour (walking into the open) by relentless suggestion of his bogus bravery.

Secondly the kid is Iranian, but he’s shouting out in Arabic???? Its the old Mossad Allah Akbar standard last words.   He’s wearing Middle Eastern clobber.  Not normal clothes.  Idiocy. Just their way of damaging relations between communities.

Worst of all we see detail after detail after detail of non-auditable detail ….. But nothing which proves that the kid killed Curtis.  Well it must be true if Curtis is dead right? But this is not how false flags work.  All the footage could be pre-shot, then they murder Curtis, then it takes them a lot longer to construct a good story to link the kid to the murder they themselves have committed. Or alternatively all the pictures for the papers could be sorted in advance ….. the news stories (not to do with the police roundup) could have been pre-drafted.  The rodeo could have happened in realtime, in order to get witness reaction footage.  In which case the shootout would have to be rigorously rehearsed.

If the shootout was pre-shot on the other hand; Note the jump cut between the officer shooting and the kid playing possum on the ground. I think they had the other officers bugger off-screen again, so the jump in the action would not be too challenging for the director. Being as he only has to deal with a fudged out kid lying on the ground, and one fat cop.

See the lame story about the Turkish police wanting to know about the sister? The Turkish police would not give a toss about any of this. You could hunt down Turkish police all day and all night and there won’t be one of these netted scoundrels that could honestly confess to having this make-believe sister in his IN-tray. The story is really about explaining what happened to the kids family.

Well the sister fucked off right? So thats partly dealt with. Where are the parents? A team of monkeys locked in a room full of typewriters are working around the clock to explain the strange lack of parental ANYTHING in this story.

They dealt with the sister last Thursday, and they will have conjured something about the parents some time or other. But it will take a lot of coffee since we know that Jews aren’t the least bit fucking creative.

Lets look at the video again.  First 30 seconds note that its our old friends at seven news.  The cocksuckers who besmirched themselves with the siege false flag not that long ago.  What a disgrace that was, and it was a proven false flag.  Next we have the kid firing indiscriminately.  But its a cold day in the hearts of teenagers when such a person would not use his bullets to smash some of those mighty glass windows we see in front of the police station. Not plausible.  Neither is the arabic bullshit to do with Allah Akbar.  But this is standard Jewish fare.

By about 50 seconds we see that he’s been shooting in the vicinity of toddlers.   But these are the most placid toddlers in the world. No-one is agitated that there is a gunman nearby. No confusion or activity or screaming.

At 65 seconds the second cop is out of shot and the first cop goes into freeze frame.  At 67 seconds in comes the over-dub.  Some agent with remote diagnosis abilities is using the power of suggestion to tell us what is going on.  Now consider the distance.  “Oh ………. he’s-dead” says the narrator we never knew we had.  Not “he’s been shot ….  Should I call the ambulance?” No the remote-doctor has to get on his own soundtrack of the video he’s shooting to use his psychic powers to pre-empt the experts at the hospital.  He can tell that the 15 year old has died instantly through sheer Jew-Voodoo. “Oh ……….. he’s-dead” says the narrator with total certainty, total confidence, total finality.  They do not just save the Jew-Voodoo for their physics.

Now in this regard we have none of the usual details about the ambulance men trying to save the kid and he is pronounced dead at 5.17 pm at such-and-such hospital or any of the usual legal procedure.  No need for that when you have a forced-suggestion-overdub to tell you what is going on.

Now just a note at 58 seconds.  “As two SPECIAL constables” What is so special about these constables? Why not two ordinary constables? Two mediocre constables? Why did it have to be two special constables?  They had to be special constables because they are NO WAY ATTACHED TO THIS POLICE STATION.   We cannot track these crisis actors.

“In the newspaper version the photo of the kid looks like an artists rendition.”

So what is this all about? Why this very strange airbrushed photo that looks almost like the work of an artist?  Its pretty easy to understand if you see a photo of the kid.  You see the problem is his Jewish nose.  In the original photos he’s got this outrageous Hebe schnozzle that they have to somehow modify.

First the original newspaper shot:

Notice the superimposition of the sides of the nose on the corner of the eyes.  They are trying to give this kid a normal symmetrical nose.  A Jew hooter gives the game away.

And an example of subsequent and more realistic photographs.

This one is a little hard to see.  But go to images and you will see what I mean.  Comparing the newspaper photo with all the more realistic one and out comes the Sephardic Jew Nose. No doubt there is one young crisis actor with rhinoplasty in his near future.

Did these crisis actors follow competent Police procedure? Do the guys trying to control the rivers in Vietnam leave the boat? Does the soldier jump out of the tank? Is it brave to break cover and walk into the line of fire? No its stupid and irresponsible.  Its runs against their training.  Their job is to get the kid to drop the gun by shouting out demands to do just that.  Then they shoot maybe.  They are not to present themselves as a tempting target.

But consider if the crisis actor starts shouting out loudly for the kid to drop the gun? Well then we get to hear the crisis actors American or British accent.  And that is just no good is it? We are not to hear the voice of the make-believe cop, Australian or otherwise.  Because we are not meant to take an interest in these cops, since such interest would generate more tracks to cover.  More enquiries to hose down.

The complicity of the fucking journalists is sickening.  All that nonsense about police bravery they are trying to drum into the numb minds of their fluoride-drinking viewers.  Suggestion suggestion suggestion.  Bravery bravery bravery.  If I stumble upon these journalists its a punch in the guts.  I will note these “journalists” (ho ho) well.  What a fucking disgrace channel 7 is.  We should boycott them.  I will never watch them again except on youtube to sample their lies.

This time go back and watch the video with the kids shooting style in mind.  How do people shoot a .38 magnum Smith and Wesson? I had a look at a lot of videos on this matter and not one of them used the kids bent-armed single-handed technique.  They all used two hands.  Of course the recoil is less than the .357 or the .44.  But you will search long and hard to find any grown men using one hand to shoot a .38 Smith and Wesson.  Yet this skinny kid is not the least bit interested in the recoil of his weapon.

Still waiting for anything linking this kid to the murder of Curtis Cheng.  If indeed such a murder happened at all.   I think we are going to be waiting a long time. Jew typists getting writers block over this one.  Order more coffee and pizza guys.  Lets see what you come up with.  Lets see how it compares to similar stories overseas.  Since this is after all an international campaign.

Lets swing back to the kids in the kindergarten.  So the 15 year old was within 10 metres of these defenceless kiddies? Is that so? What time is this pantomime alleged to have taken place? Its already 4.30 pm when Curtis was alleged to have been killed. Were the kids still there? Had their Mamas taken them home? Well the “journalist” SAID they were still there.  What if we blew the picture up and found there to be no kids there? What would this mean for the motives of the people who wrote the “journalists” lines? Don’t these kids have homes to go to? Is that why the 15 year old had to die in this story? Because he shot his gun off aimlessly (literally) to close to the toddlers WHO WEREN’T THERE?

How about damage to the building? Are we to say that if the kid was just shooting bullets in the air, the idea is to go out and kill him without demanding that he put the gun down?  Well he killed Curtis didn’t he? So far nothing has emerged to suggest he did, and yet the police acted as if he was not just goofing off.  How did they know one way or another in this farcical story? So where is the property damage? What windows were smashed? Where are the bullet holes?

A lot of time has passed already and still no talk of the parents. Where is the photograph of the sister that high-tailed it to Constantinople in this fantasy? Lets find out more about the sister, if the Jew writers are not to lazy to make a few things up.

Its a weeks later and the Jews have the Wikipedia page on the incident up.  It now seems that they are wrapping a false flag up with a somewhat pre-emptive harassment of a few kids.  Proactive policing integrated with false flag terrorism and entrapment.  You would have to say that this sort of thing could definitely WORK.  It could easily draw out potential extremists before they do anything serious.  This multi-faceted project would be compartmentalised of course.  One compartment practicing pre-emptive policing.  Another setting up the patsies. Incitement coming in from Jewish ISIS overseas.  So now the cops have to try tenuously to establish links between these minor miscreants and this make-believe event. Which makes sense because it will seem credible if some chunk of this bullshit story is workshopped through minor hoodlums to give it all a manufactured reality.

“At 4:30 p.m., the assailant killed 58-year-old police civilian accountant Curtis Cheng as he was walking out of the building. The shooter remained at the scene and continued firing into the police headquarters. He was shot dead by one of three special constables who responded to the shooting.[5][6][7]”

Bingo.  Proof that this is all lies.  Where was the dead body of Curtis WHEN THE PANTOMIME WAS CREATED??? Here we are not speculating whether Curtis is real or was killed or not.  What we are saying is where was he, where was the ambulance, and where was the murder scene WHEN THE ALLEGED SHOOTOUT WAS FILMED!!!!!!!  See they are full of shit.  They had this one cut, edited and in the can prior to the Curtis killing and the raids on these other kids. Or at least one part of the story is pre-shot, the other done real-time but rehearsed to the nth degree.

Look more bullshit. Now supposing you are tracking down the sister? Where is his sister? She flew to constantinople? So where is her apartment? Where is her stuff?

So look what we have here:

“It has emerged that his sister Shadi may have been attempting to reach Iraq or Syria the day before the shooting as she flew out of Australia on a flight bound for Istanbul on Thursday.
She reportedly took all her belongings with her, according to the ABC.”

So she took all her stuff YOU FUCKING CUNTS? She took all her gear? What in a fucking suitcase? Or did she have two fucking suitcases? I hate these fucking lying cunts. I hate them so very very much. And look at how they pass the buck. “According to the ABC.” I bet if you went to the ABC they would be referencing some other liar.

Now how about the body? Where is the body? What about the autopsy and the coroners report? How about the funeral?

So supposing someone asks Where is the funeral? Do they say “Dog ate my homework”?

Here is how they handled it:

“Officials at the mosque where the radicalised 15-year-old Muslim shooter who killed a police accountant once frequented say they would ‘never’ hold his funeral at the place of worship.”

Someone else at the Mosque says his family should hold the funeral. What fucking family? This is a crisis actor there is no fucking family. Well so where is the family? There was a sister, but she left for Constantinople with all her belongings tied to the end of a stick like Dick Wittington. How she going to hold a funeral? But you see these guys just show up at the Mosque and get enough statements to craft all their excuses from.

So supposing you are wanting to investigate this matter and find out when his funeral is. Well you are shit out of luck. But the news stories are just an endless series of excuses for the facts not being available.

How about the autopsy. We have to believe that this autopsy is being done at Glebe and the report WILL BE handed to the coroner.

This is the answer to the question “Where is the fucking coroner report?” Even if they come up with one they are already admitting it will be as the result of something cooked up in Glebe and handed to the coroner.

Meanwhile this kid looks like he is going to spend a great deal of time in the morgue.  Since they don’t have a body to conduct a funeral with so they are busy inventing reasons why we won’t have a funeral anytime soon.   He will spend much time in the morgue, except in reality the Jew crisis actor will already be out of the country, feeling just fine and a lot richer. A nose job in his near future.

Jabbar’s sister Shadi has not returned (because she does not exist). The story is she lit out for Byzantium which explains her non-existence. Well how about her gear? Where is her stuff? The writers explain her absence of gear by claiming that she took all her stuff with her just one day before her brother decides to shoot a Chinaman. How is that for eventfulness in one family, just in 48 hours? “Well big sister is gone, lets kill a Chinese guy.”

I would say you cannot make this stuff up. But they did make it all up. So did she take all her gear in one suitcase or two? What does an extremist chick need anyhow? Two Burka’s, a Koran and a box of tampons and Shadi is good to go.  The people who are REALLY responsible for violence always ascribe super-powers to those who are filled with religious belief.  This is simply because they can use religious difference to cause trouble between two communities.  Religious belief, in and of itself, is not a cause of violence.  The history that claims it is, ignores third party incitement.

But all their jive about Shadi is the culprits admitting that there is no audit trail or evidence for family members of this crisis actor.  We ought to start a new cult of Shadi.  It appears that religions are often conjured around people who never existed.  Her flight to Istanbul can become an iconic moment in the fabricated religion.


  1. But why would they fake it? Could there be a link to MH370?

  2. There is no real mystery about MH370. Since to make a plane disappear you need to control the media, or the satellites or both. The list of parties who can do this are not very large. Yes you could say that ultimately its the same parties that do all of these things.

  3. Straight outta hollywood. And we know who Controls Hollywood.

    • Exactly. The Jews are flying at the seat of their pants on this one. Note the jump cut between the officer shooting and the kid playing possum on the ground. I think they had the other officers bugger off-screen again, so the jump in the action would not be too challenging for the Jew director. Being as he only has to deal with a fudged out kid lying on the ground, and one fat cop. But I may have to check the video again.

      And see the lame story about the Turkish police wanting to know about the sister? The Turkish police would not give a toss about any of this play-acting. You could hunt down Turkish police all day and all night and there won’t be one of these netted scoundrels that could honestly confess to having this make-believe sister in his IN-tray. The story is really about explaining what happened to the kids family.

      Well the sister fucked off right? So thats partly dealt with. Where are the parents? A team of Jew monkeys locked in a room full of typewriters are working around the clock to explain the strange lack of parental ANYTHING in this story.

      They dealt with the sister last Thursday, and they will have conjured something about the parents some time or other. But it will take a lot of coffee since we know that Jews aren’t the least bit fucking creative.

  4. The vagueness continues:

  5. Another faked moon landing, methinks:

  6. Could be. Very well lit for something so far away. Their Mars rover business all looks to be faked. On the other hand I have never had cause to doubt their flyovers.

  7. Look more bullshit. Now supposing you are tracking down the sister? Where is his sister? She flew to constantinople? So where is her apartment? Where is her stuff?

    So look what we have here:

    “It has emerged that his sister Shadi may have been attempting to reach Iraq or Syria the day before the shooting as she flew out of Australia on a flight bound for Istanbul on Thursday.
    She reportedly took all her belongings with her, according to the ABC.”

    So she took all her stuff YOU FUCKING CUNTS? She took all her gear? What in a fucking suitcase? Or did she have two fucking suitcases? I hate these fucking lying cunts. I hate them so very very much. And look at how they pass the buck. According to the ABC. I bet if you went to the ABC they would be referencing some other liar.

    Now how about the body? Where is the body? What about the autopsy and the coroners report? How about the funeral?

    So supposing someone asks Where is the funeral? Do they say “Dog ate my homework”?

    Here is how they handled it:

    “Officials at the mosque where the radicalised 15-year-old Muslim shooter who killed a police accountant once frequented say they would ‘never’ hold his funeral at the place of worship.”

    Someone else at the Mosque says his family should hold the funeral. What fucking family? This is a crisis actor there is no fucking family. Well so where is the family? There was a sister, but she left for Constantinople with all her belongings tied to the end of a stick like Dick Wittington. How she going to hold a funeral.

    So supposing you are wanting to investigate this matter and find out when his funeral is. Well you are shit out of luck. But the news stories are just an endless series of excuses for the facts not being available.

    How about the autopsy. We have to believe that this autopsy is being done at Glebe and the report WILL BE handed to the coroner.

    This is the answer to the question “Where is the fucking coroner report?” Even if they come up with one they are already admitting it will be as the result of something cooked up in Glebe and handed to the coroner.

    Meanwhile this kid looks like he is going to spend a great deal of time in the morgue. Except in reality the Jew crisis actor will already be out of the country, feeling just fine and a lot richer. A nose job in his near future.

  8. Ludicrous protest. Just an attempt to get people stirred up:

  9. ISIS is Israel. Its just the Jews doing what the Jews do.

  10. Jabbar’s sister Shadi has not returned (because she does not exist). The story is she lit out for Byzantium which explains her non-existence. Well how about her gear? Where is her stuff? The Jew writers explain her absence of gear by claiming that she took all her stuff with her just one day before her brother decides to shoot a Chinaman. How is that for eventfulness in one family, just in 48 hours? “Well big sister is gone, lets kill a Chinese guy.”

    I would say you cannot make this stuff up. But they did make it all up. So did she take all her gear in one suitcase or two? What does an extremist chick need anyhow? Two Burka’s, a Koran and a box of tampons and Shadi is good to go.

    What they are admitting is that there is no audit trail or evidence for family members of this crisis actor.

    • Careful Mr B

      You are making too much SENSE

      The Hebrews won’t like it.

      • How did this Shelia get to Constantinople? By Steamship through the Suez Canal? How very romantic.

      • No they won’t like it Ron. They won’t like it one little bit. They will loathe it. Because they are sworn to a universe where nothing makes any sense. They are given over to a world of derivative reality not real reality. They thrive on derivatives and lack of anything real. They want the real gear to go away. Real events are to be replaced with fake events. They don’t like real people. They like artificial persons. But thats not enough. They need derivative shares on the artificial persons and derivative options on those shares, and derivatives on those options until its all just a derivative shell game that is leveraged and hypothecated and a safe game for inside parasites who think that they are creating wealth. You know the Cambria type. A fellow so stupid he thinks Mamma Triceratops is just too butch to lay eggs.

        The writers of the Gospels gave us the book of John. And in this book they infused Hellenism and the love of an ordered universe. In the beginning there was Logos, said the book of John. And by these very words they injected centuries of superior Greek thinking into the religion of the saviour. Since modern Jew thought is a rebellion against the saviour himself, they have turned a jaundiced eye towards the LOGOS. They hate LOGOS Ron. By God they hate LOGOS with a demonic baby-killing loathing. Jews don’t do logic Ron. Other than a few exemplary mavericks, logic is something that Jews will not abide.

      • Its the first two names these cities held Ron. Thats what makes for the Romance of our new religious icon Shadi. She is more real to me now than my first cousins, and yet she never existed. The names of these cities are pure distilled Romance. Imagine holding a beautiful girl two thousand years ago as the rain fell hard in a city called “Byzantium?” Imagine an affair with a wealthy mans twenty-something daughter one thousand years ago in town which revelled in the name “Constantinople?” Its the names of these cities where the magic is like a great wondrous poem distilled down to a single word. Doesn’t matter how slowly you say the name Ron. It always comes out like a wondrous spell from a good and benevolent bichin white-witch.

        Now the good Lord tells us that all men are brothers. And I myself am here to stick up for our wronged and put-upon Muslim friends. But I cannot abide the name Istanbul. They can have the city Ron. But they can never ask me to call the city by that name.

        I now go along to get along Ron. I am past the age of abrasiveness and controversy. I am like the Dude and the Dude abides. But I will not sit still for the name “Istanbul.” They have won the city by conquest and I am not going to advocate we turn back that tide. But for the love of Christ they cannot get me calling the bejewelled city of magic and legend by that colourless, stale and tired name.

  11. Not much footage of the Curtis funeral on facebook. Just Scipione making a speech. Could be in front of the camera crew only for all I know. However there may well be other footage. Supposed to be hundreds of people that attended the funeral. Everything here is to be disbelieved unless proven.

  12. Lecture on the bronze age collapse. Don’t expect any talk about a pole shift or a close encounter with Venus.

    • Hi Graeme. Are you still into that Velikovsky shit?

      • I was never “into it”. He just found out that Venus was a new planet. And it is. Thats pretty good going I think.

      • Venus is the same age as the rest of the planets in the solar system.

      • What would you know about physics you stupid Wop

      • You idiot Birdflapz. The evidence says its a new planet, and you you stupid cunt, reckons its the same age. This is simply impossible. The sun is many tens, if not hundreds of billions of years old, Jupiter many tens of billions of years old. The earth has to be at least 500 million years old as a moon or planet, and has many rocks that are way older than that. It may be the clear 4+ billion years old that the mainstream say it is. They may even have that one right.

        But Venus was not long ago a giant comet. We know this from multiple lines of evidence and the mainstream view is entirely impossible. For one thing we have the excessive heat of Venus, generated from the inside out. Secondly we have the pristine craters, preserved perfectly, despite the dense atmosphere. We have the reality that its accumulated rotation speed is negligible …. quite impossible in an old planet in its current location.

        And we have the reality that Velikovsky was able to predict many things about this planet, based on multiple testimonies of the ancients …. even though he was not coming from the scientific perspective. He was simply reading from ancient texts.

        So your point of view is (a) impossible and (b) entirely arbitrary and baseless.

        Its only real science we are interested in on “A Better World.” Here we aren’t the least bit interested in Jew science.

        If we didn’t have Velikovsky I would say that Venus must have gotten into its current position in the last 100 thousand years. But because of him we can confidently narrow it way down to more recent times.

  13. Well that turned out to be easy? The Jewish writers reckon that Jabar is to be buried in Iraq. I did not predict this, but it was predictable in the following sense: The crisis actor isn’t dead. So they have no body. So they have to think of an excuse for having no body.

    So there you go. None of us was ever going to be able to show up at this kids funeral. Because no kid was killed that day. And its easier to just say he will be buried in Iraq, rather than put together a wax dummy.

  14. Only Russia has EVER bombed ISIS. Since ISIS is Israel/Nato we aren’t bombing them. So what are our pilots bombing? They aren’t bombing ISIS. If they bomb at all it will be Israeli-chosen targets. That means we are attacking the Syrian army and civilians.

  15. This has been a bit of a campaign of mine for about the last ten years. I didn’t want to say that Ringo was the greatest drummer that ever lived. But an idea had floated around, thanks to a few aimless statements of John Lennon, that Ringo was not a good drummer. I thought he was a very good drummer. Now some of the experts who have had a similar frustration to me have come out and given us a bit of context and perspective:

  16. The Jews killed Kennedy:

  17. You are a nutter.

    • He’s a genius donchaknow.

    • Okay coconutdog. Tell us about Egyptair. Tell us how you would smuggle a bomb through, and at the same time disable radar tracking. You have to stop believing all the shiite you are being told.

      • I don’t give a shit about EgyptAir. You are still a nutter.

      • No no. The problem is your IQ deficit. Are you a Jew?

      • What’s your problem with Jews?

      • What do you know about Jews? Have you noticed anything a little strange about them?

  18. No. Tell me more.

    • Dude. If you are over 30 you must have noticed something weird about this crowd right? Not real perceptive if you haven’t right? That football team that keeps bustling in and out of your wifes bedroom has not set off any alarms right?

      See I was pro-Jewish because I could list a string of Jews who had made a big impact on me. Even now one of the men I admire more than almost anyone living is indeed a Jew. But apart from those in the tribe I looked up to there was for a long time a bad feeling about this crowd more generally. You are saying that this “bad feeling” or curious feeling like something doesn’t quite add up … You are saying that nothing like this has made it into your radar?

  19. Comprehensive film way over 4 hours about the 9/11 false flag.

  20. From elsewhere:

    Unemployment results from taxes on sole trader retained earnings and misallocation of loanable funds. It has nothing to do with the conceptual division of the economy into three sectors. Unemployment results from too few producer goods. Not too many. If sole traders are to avoid tax by avoiding drawings and excess land holdings they will accumulate producer goods. Too many to use themselves and so they must employ people.

    Primary production is production on the farm (or in mining, fisheries etc.) and this sort of production is enhanced by producer goods. Producer goods not excluding swales, ponds, berms, terraces and other manipulations of land created via heavy metal. “Heavy metal don’t mean rock and roll to me.” Manufacturing is an extension of logistics, and is enhanced by producer goods, so really only the location is changed, not the realities associated with production. Services its the same deal. Producer goods are what is needed, even if they are infrastructural goods. Infrastructural goods are trans-spatial. We are really just talking variations of pipes (e.g. power lines are basically all about “piping” electrons.) But realities of employment and production are unaffected by which conceptual sector we are talking about. Its when we get to usury, fractional reserve banking, derivatives, and other societal ripoffs. Thats when we are talking about something relevant to employment problems. If we divert loanable funds away from producer goods, and into all the rubbish our bankers now put loans into, well of course we will destroy jobs.

    “What if robots make all the sandwiches?”

    We could call this the transformers fantasy. If robots made the sandwiches then the employment problems might come about if its robots that manufactured the robots, and robots that maintained those robots, and infinite regress of robots looking out for other robots. Notable in this story is the non-utilisation of the carbon atom. Also we need to have intelligent non-carbon life, and therefore nano-technology to make this infinite regress of robots a going concern. But nano-technology is by its nature high-maintenance. We have a name for the lowest maintenance form of nano-technology and its called a “seed”. Nature is the lowest maintenance form of nano-technology. That means keeping the carbon atom in the production process.

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