PZ Myers. Tribal Gatekeeper For Science Idiocy.

Here is a page that I saved before Myers wiped all my comments.


  1. earthonly

    “One, why are these people who show up to argue for godly objective morality so consistently unable to represent honesty and forthrightness? ”

    No-ones going to respect your blogs integrity because you are a goose-stepping doctrinaire gate-keeper who will believe any stupid mainstream thing on faith alone.

    I can predict your irrational faith-based views in advance. You believe that comets are snowballs. No snow no ball but you believe. You believe in the Keynesian multiplier. No evidence yet you believe. You believe that evolution is a one-planet affair. No evidence just faith. You believe in the big bang. No evidence has ever surfaced for this most embarrassing idiocy but you will goose-step to this young-universe tune. Maybe if you got your shit together as a scientist people will take your blogs integrity more seriously. You cannot find evidence for special relativity …. another Jew fairy tale. Yet you believe out of pure racist tribalism.

  2. 76

    How about Phobos being porous? No possible geological process could produce this result and leave Phobos up there orbiting Mars. Yet you will believe it. Your belief system can be predicted by inferring pure anti-science bigotry and by sussing you out as the tribe who believes in everything at Randi’s internet sewer.

  3. 77

    How about plate tectonics. Its impossible, no force vectors can be drawn to make it possible, But you will believe in it.

    We don’t need another goose-stepper in this world. No-one ought to respect your blog.

  4. 78


    Big Bang evidence: Cosmic microwave background follows a blackbody curve nearly exactly.

    You really are one dumb troll.

  5. 79

    How about the conservation of mass? It cannot logically be the case since if matter could not be created it would not be here. But still you believe.

  6. 80

    Boy, earthonly seems to be a live one. Tell me, little one. How do you know Phobos is porous? Spend much time there?

  7. 81
  8. 82

    Strip off the ‘nym’ and title troll comments (all sources) as simply ‘troll.’ This applies to the sockpuppets under discussion. Bigoted, racist and sexist comments are still ‘disappeared.’

  9. 83
    Rob Grigjanis

    You cannot find evidence for special relativity

    How do you explain measurements for muon decay?

    Need better trolls.

  10. 84
    PZ Myers


    another Jew fairy tale. Yet you believe out of pure racist tribalism.


  11. 85

    Yeah, I’d vote for the principle of letting them go for a while, until it’s boring. I’m a regular reader of Pharyngula and Culture Wars and a few other blogs on FTB, a very occasional commenter, and really only an occasional peruser of the commentary, but one of my very favorite things is when your toothiest regulars sink their teeth into a troll. Sorry if I don’t know all their tags, but the guy with the Drew Carey icon — modusoperandi, maybe? One of the funniest guys (well, who knows, one of the funniest people) in the entire progressive blog-o-sphere. Damn, he’s channeling Oscar Wilde some days! The woman (again, I presume) with the icon that looks like Starbuck on BG but with vampire fangs? OMG, she’s a freakin’ SCREAM when she gets to hammering away on a troll. Then you have the incredibly well-informed scientists among the regulars. The politically astute. Some really impressive and efficiently expressed thoughts emerge from the best of your regulars when somebody comes stomping in with a chip on their shoulder. I really enjoy it. I bet a lot of other more-or-less silent observers do as well The new asshole…..it’s so meticulously torn!

  12. 86
    Rawnaeris, Lulu Cthulhu

    I’m going to nth support figuring out a 2-click way to either white text or disemvowel troll posts. When I’m bored I like seeing what the troll of the day is saying. I also hate the number changes. Confuses the hell outta me, but it’s your blog PZ.

    I was able to politely and succinctly shut down a MRA on a friends Facebook, because I’ve gotten to read the idiocy and the responses here, so there is that.

  13. 87
    morgan ?! epitheting a metaphor

    I vote to leave the trollery in. At some point someone is going to write a dissertation on the evolution (or lack) of theistic dissent on the internet (or some such topic) and all this good research material needs to be available.

  14. 88

    Ideally the best way to avoid screwing up the numbering works be to replace the troll comments with excerpts from On The Origin of Species to make them educational, but I guess that can’t be automated.

  15. 89
    Roberto Teixeira

    Someone, quick! Create a WordPress plugin that allows PZ to quickly set some comments to always show in Comic Sans 🙂

  16. 90
    Crip Dyke, Right Reverend Feminist FuckToy of Death & Her Handmaiden

    Laughing at Earthonly

    How about plate tectonics. Its impossible, no force vectors can be drawn to make it possible,

    Because earthquakes happen when we draw the right arrows on an onion-ish drawing on a piece of paper. Yeah. If you can’t draw it, it doesn’t happen. That’s how reality works. yeah.

  17. 91

    “It either means their god is a lying sleaze who left those traits out of his list, or more likely, that being a dishonest coward is a prerequisite for being a fanatical Christian.”
    Why, oh why, oh most puissant one, does it have to be an either-or situation?
    Why can’t it be BOTH?
    In fact, I think it is both.

  18. 92
    chigau (違う)

    So was earthonly anyone we know?
    Or just a really badly executed ‘bot?

  19. 93

    Cosmic background radiation is not evidence for the big bang. No evidence exists for the big bang. The point is this is a faith-based belief and not an evidence-based belief. And PZ will believe it until he is told to believe something else. When people talk about Muons (hypothetical entities) as evidence for Einsteins idiocy, not only are they lacking in logic, its a confession that they cannot find any macro-evidence. No competently carried out macro experiment has ever borne out Einsteins stupidity. What we have here is idolatry and the cult of personality substituting for evidence. But PZ will believe because he is a faith-based operator. Not a scientist.

    Evidence exists for plate tectonics. It just happens to be impossible so it cannot be true yet PZ will believe in it. Imagine a thousand bulldozers pushing on a hill. The forces will manifest locally. Imagine a million of them? The forces will still manifest locally. They cannot travel five thousand miles and push a rock under a continent. But the fact that plate tectonics cannot happen will not stop PZ from believing in it.

    If mass could not be created then there will be no mass. But the manifest existence of mass will never stop bigots believing in the conservation of mass and energy. The evidence that people use to think that plate tectonics is happening, when in fact is impossible, is really a manifestation of growing earth. Growing earth is logically inferred since the mass is here and it must be created somewhere. And looking into space we see that there is a lot of space and mass infrequent but in large clumps. Implying that mass is being created on-location. Implying growing earth. Its not only Christians that are heretical to this site. Any deviation from modern fairy tales is heretical to this site.

    Readings show Phobos to be hollow. Why would one not go with the evidence and suggest that Phobos were hollow. Because the idea that our pre-Quarternary extinction ancestors, or someone else could have gone there and hollowed Phobos out is heretical. So you see no-one ought to respect this site. Because its run by and patronised by faith-based bigots.

  20. 94
    The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

    Boy, this is the biggest idiot that’s been here for a while! “macro-level” experiments, Gomer? How about the GPS satellites. The corrections for Special and General Relativity work with precise accuracy.

    How about the atomic clocks carried in airliners in opposite directions around the world? Special Relativity confirmed exactly.

    Plate tectonics isn’t “forcing” anything apart. Ever try to float a washrag flat on the water in the bathtub? Sooner or later, one side will start to sink and pull the rest sideways and down. That’s what the subducting slabs are doing, and pulling the plates apart on the opposite side, so magma has to rise up to fill the gap. Most people think of it exactly backwards, like…well…you!

  21. 95

    Did somebody say the word “Jew?” AHHHHH (a woman screams). Blaming Jews for anything is another heresy. We are to treat them like delicate glassware or a small rare plant. That Einstein was a zionist plagiarist and that he and his zionist buds (and the media) got about hammering his anti-science ideas into the culture …. this is tribal and racist behaviour that we are not meant to be critical of.

    Special relativity is science fraud. Look at the other science frauds this tribe, backed by big money, keeps foisting on us? The global warming fraud. You know they actually had Michael Mann, a known science fraud, as a guest speaker at the skeptics society. Its pretty clear that this tribe of racists is unfit for science. And when we know this it brings PZ’s anti-Christianity into some light. He’s not a valid atheist. He’s just doing what Jews do. Trying to end Christianity. Its like those Jews that took over Russia in 1917. Immediately they pass a law against criticising Jews and then they start killing millions of Christians. This is where their heads are at.

  22. 96

    Lurker delurking to vote for mass extinction of the trolls. I liked Chris when he would put the bunny pictures, but the suggestion upthread to replace them with a sock-monkey would be cute. A croco-duck would be nice, too. 🙂 Just to keep the numbers from being displaced, you understand. I rather like reading the trolls, but I can read all of that on youtube or cnn.

    Another aside, I LOVED the picture of the banhammer PZ used to use.

  23. 97

    Battleaxe you are a logic free zone. Nothing you argue here leads to any of the faith-based items you believe in. The GPS doesn’t work via special relativity. The GPS works via triangulation. Your dishrag story isn’t going anywhere. The macro experiments with airliners were not competently carried out and did not show time slowing down. They did not at first equalise for acceleration to take acceleration out of the picture. They were not carried out in relative straight lines. They weren’t carried out in such a way as to avoid interference from any number of other factors. They were public relations operations to buffer this science fraud. Whereas the zionist Einsteins ideas purport to be about the relativity of velocity they are actually exercises in velocity absolutism. The fool treats c as if it were infinite speed. And then the whole tribe and the media get behind him and lock this rubbish in. You don’t go along with it because of the soundness of the logic. You go along with it because a cult of personality was deliberately set up.

  24. 98
    chigau (違う)

    Now my vote is for deletion.
    Is this Mabus?

  25. 99

    The Keynesian multiplier is another of these science frauds. But one with a monetary motive so obvious it could not be entrusted to a fellow Jew. We are asked to believe that bankers creating debt out of thin air, and then encouraging irresponsible government overspending with it ….. actually creates wealth. This needed to be hammered into the culture with such power that we are forced to learn it at high school level. We lap it up along with all sorts of other fairy tales and items of Jew-worship. Oh Albert is so fantastic. He’s a Jew he has to be. He’s so so much smarter then anyone outside of this tribe. Isn’t he just wonderful. He’s so wonderful his brain almost defies nature.

    Actually he was an embarrassment. Correspondence between him and his synagogue buddies shows that he knew full well he was engaging in science fraud and the development of a cult. But its they who own the media and whom the media is in debt to that locks this science fraud in.

  26. 100
    The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

    The GPS works via triangulation—and very precise clocks. Those clocks would run slow because of their orbital motion (Special Relativity), and fast because of the lower gravitational field (General Relativity). Without correcting for both, their longitude would wander by several degrees a day. With corrections calculated in SR and GR, they’re accurate to many significant figures. Explain that, genius.

  27. 101

    The fact that clocks run differently under different conditions doesn’t mean time runs differently under different conditions. We didn’t need einstein to tell us that clocks run differently under different conditions. Get a brain transplant and a stupid-tumor removal and get back to me on that one.

  28. 102
    consciousness razor

    I’m still checking my instruments, but there seems to be a source of infinite stupidity somewhere around here. Is anyone else seeing that?

  29. 103
    The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

    We owe the enormous prosperity of the US from WWII to the first oil crisis to Keynesian economics. We owe the great economic collapse to 30 years of anti-Keynesian economics initiated by that twatwaffle Reagan.

  30. 104

    flush the crap

  31. 105
    The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

    Okay, #101 is the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen written down. Congratulations!

  32. 106

    Think of the first bit of media hype in 1919 where Einsteins science fraud first started to be locked in. Newton did not claim an angle of light bending in the way it was said. Newton may presumably have measured how the light bends and used this accordingly. It doesn’t really come into his theory of gravity at all. In fact Newton never explained any mechanism for gravity. He merely showed that it was a force that worked in space pretty much as it works on earth.

    Now here comes Einstein. His sponsors may have had inside information on how light actually bent around the sun. He says his ideas will be falsified if the light bends one way. Clearly the fix was in. But what is notable about the experiment is that it had nothing to verify his Jew-Voo-Doo claims. No verification. Only the failure to falsify.

    So the experiment itself was an act of science fraud. No scientific verification. Only failure to falsify. This has become the stock in trade of thousands of scientific experiments these days. Go to google scholar and read all the pro-Global warming gear. Its all very short on verification. A failure to falsify is just a waste of money.

  33. 107

    “We owe the enormous prosperity of the US from WWII to the first oil crisis to Keynesian economics. ”

    Completely wrong.

  34. 108
    Dalillama, Schmott Guy

    Chigau 98
    I’m pretty sure this new one is the same one as earthonly, but they don’t sound much like KC/TC/ci

  35. 109
    consciousness razor

    The fool treats c as if it were infinite speed.

    299,792,458 m/s = ∞ m/s

    Teach the controversy. We report; you decide.

  36. 110
    Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls

    Cosmic background radiation is not evidence for the big bang.

    Special relativity is science fraud.

    Citation to the peer reviewed scientific literature needed. Only more science, not mere religious belief, refutes science. Your opinion will never be scientific evidence. It is dismissed without evidence.

    Think of the first bit of media hype in 1919 where Einsteins science fraud first started to be locked in. 

    I hope you never, ever, use GPS. A special relativity correction factor is present in ALL satellite clocks. Why? They go out of sync if they don’t have that correction factor, for both special and general relativity. You lose loser….

  37. 111

    Under Jew Voo Doo light bending becomes space bending. Pure irrationality and mysticism. Thank goodness people were familiar with light bending in a prism and when it hits the water before zionists got to these features of reality. One wonders what sort of voodoo interpretation we would have for this stuff now.

  38. 112

    “I hope you never, ever, use GPS. A special relativity correction factor is present in ALL satellite clocks.”

    Completely wrong. A correction is needed for clocks operating under different conditions. Its all a lie that it is to do with time dilation. Just more propaganda.

  39. 113

    You see what is going on here? Under Jew science fraud clocks working differently is time stretching. Light bending is space bending. Its such a simple piece of idiocy its childish.

  40. 114
    Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls

    Completely wrong. A correction is needed for clocks operating under different conditions. Its all a lie that it is to do with time dilation. Just more propaganda.

    Unevidenced assertion, dismissed without evidence, like all lies and bullshit. Even Wiki acknowledges the relativity correction factors, and cites the evidence for them in the footnotes. Unlike YOU.

  41. 115
    Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls

    Still waiting for one peer reviewed scientific literature reference refuting any relativity….

  42. 116
    consciousness razor

    You see what is going on here?

    Sure, geometry is voodoo. And that’s why you failed it in high school.

  43. 117
    chigau (違う)

    Are you arguing for something or are you just really, really scared of The Jews.

  44. 118
    Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls


    Or is it our old troll, CK, TC, etc…..

  45. 119
    FossilFishy (NOBODY, and proud of it!)

    I’d say the decision to flush or keep should be flexible. For instance antifaith here is immensely amusing* and I’d vote for keeping those comments, or I would have until they started in on the racism. Now I’d say flush them.

    *I was literally eating popcorn as I read them. Life is good.

  46. 120

    “299,792,458 m/s = ∞ m/s”

    Actually did you know that measurements of c change over time? Did you know that? Hardly encouraging for the zionists plagiarists velocity absolutism. They came up with a solution for the fact that c varies. They decided the way to go was to DEFINE THE METRE in terms of c and alter the metre accordingly so they would not have to alter c. More science fraud.

    You would expect c to alter a little bit in accordance with aether conditions. And measurements bare this out.

  47. 121

    “or I would have until they started in on the racism.” So its not okay to talk about Jewish racism? Isn’t that a bit racist? Afterall its okay to talk about old-time southern racism right? Or old-time imperialist racism right? Let us not be racist about racism. Anyway Judaism is not a race. Its not even a religion. Its a crime gang.

  48. 122
    chigau (違う)

    antifaith# 120
    You need a better hobby.
    Your trolling is become pitiful.

  49. 123
    Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls

    Yawn, still no peer reviewed scientific evidence, so totally dismissed as fuckwittery. I suspect it is our bigot from earlier today. Can’t think its way out of a wet paper bag with a map, a book of clues, and a gps which it turned off the relativistic corrections on…..

  50. 124
    Al Dente

    Just another common or garden antisemite here.

    What am I bet that antifaith will tell me that semites include other groups besides Jews and therefore antisemitism is not hatred of Jews?

  51. 125

    Are you arguing for something or are you just really, really scared of The Jews”

    I am very scared of Jews. Think of what this crowd is doing to the US right now. They are ripping it to pieces. They have their new Cheka with homeland security. They have the coffins and the hollow-point bullets and the concentration camps. Essentially we are seeing a repeat of what they did in the Soviet Union. I don’t know if our top oppressors are Jews. I don’t know who they are. But whoever they are historically they tend to use Jews disproportionately as their wrecking crew. So essentially we are seeing a repeat of what happened in the Soviet Union in 1917. I think we ought to all be afraid of this crowd.

  52. 126
    FossilFishy (NOBODY, and proud of it!)

    So its not okay to talk about Jewish racism?

    Of course it is, but you haven’t been doing that. All you’ve been doing is dismissing the findings of a Jewish scientist because he was Jewish. Ad hominem in its most blatant form.

  53. 127

    “Just another common or garden antisemite here.

    What am I bet that antifaith will tell me that semites include other groups besides Jews and therefore antisemitism is not hatred of Jews?”

    The Jews we are talking about have maybe a shoulders worth of semite in them. Like I said its no race its a crime gang. I went to a Jewish kids birthday party one time and it was wall to wall whitey. Looked more anglo then anything else. I think where I was there was this continual marrying of highly-educated non-Jewish males getting into the picture. Its not a racial issue so much. But the main line of elite Jews are Khazarian through the Mothers line. You would have to say that they have primarily Khazarian mitochondria and that would be the extent of what you could say about them racially. I am not against any race or other. I’m against racist crime gangs.

  54. 128
    chigau (違う)

    antifaith #125

    I don’t know who they are. 

    How do you function?
    THEY™ are out to get you?
    Are you safe in your own home?

  55. 129

    “Of course it is, but you haven’t been doing that. All you’ve been doing is dismissing the findings of a Jewish scientist because he was Jewish. Ad hominem in its most blatant form.”

    He wasn’t a scientist. He was a plagiarist and a fraud. He didn’t follow the scientific method. He basically just made all this rubbish up. Then he and his mates set up the cult. Which would not have gone far if it didn’t have the money power and the media behind it.

  56. 130
    Anne D

    I thought reality had a well-known liberal bias. Apparently, I was mistaken; it’s actually a Jewish bias. The more you know…

    The troll is not funny anymore, just depressing. Bored now.

  57. 131
    Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls

    How do you function?
    THEY™ are out to get you?
    Are you safe in your own home?

    Obviously xe needs the Pullet Patrol™ patented (in Harry Potter magic land) pseudo tin foil helmet, guaranteed to block all rays and detection devices from the Elders of Zion, the Illuminati, the Knights Templar, the Trilateral Commission, and the UN…..Operators standing by, have your credit card ready…..

  58. 132

    Now, while I suggested keeping the trolls in the original post, I can’t say I’d suggest the same thing for earthonly/antifaith/whatever-is-next. Racism, sexism, or abuse would seem like things that should definitely get your posts all scrubbed.

  59. 133

    antifaith: weird piece of performance art, or someone who is trying to make the case that yes, troll comments should be flushed because they add nothing to any discussion (except racism of course).

  60. 134
    FossilFishy (NOBODY, and proud of it!)

    He was a plagiarist and a fraud.

    Hmmm, if he was a plagiarist then for his finding to be fraudulent the person he was plagiarising must have been the actual fraud. Thinking antifaith, you’re not doing it right.

  61. 135

    “How do you function?
    THEY™ are out to get you?
    Are you safe in your own home?”

    No-one is safe. Lady Diana wasn’t safe so you think anyone else is? Our oppressors don’t come only from one tribe. Not everyone in NASA, the CIA the Federal Reserve, the State Department MI6 …. not all these people are Jews. Just a disproportionate amount of them doing all this dirty work. Jews all over the take-down of the towers and so forth. Blame it on the semitic gentiles and then set up the ruination of the middle east. Jewish racism meant 9/11 became an arab blood libel. And millions of semites had to be irradiated and killed because of this.

  62. 136
    Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls

    Yawn, conspiracy theorist are so boring….they all say the same things, not an original thought since Notradamas….

  63. 137
    chigau (違う)

    Are you typing with one hand?

  64. 138

    But Nerd, dontchanow that Nostradamus was part of the conspiracy! Eleventy!

  65. 139
    The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

    The Soviet Union was the second-most anti-Jewish government in history after Nazi Germany. Your neo-Nazi sources have sold you a bill of goods. Try reading actual history.

  66. 140

    Its would be unscientific of me to say that the banking/oligarchical/cover operations network was Jewish since I don’t know the names or addresses of the top decision-makers. So I don’t know their background. But we don’t want these people to be able to wrong-foot us just because its Jews we see carrying out evil a lot of the time.

    Now back to science. Think of the control exercised over you when it comes to the conservation of mass. Not only is mass not conserved. It cannot be that way. Because if mass weren’t created all the time there would never have been any mass. This is obvious and proven and QED. But all of you just practice some introspection here. And try and figure out the enormous amount of control exercised over your mind to get you to believe that mass is conserved? And then one day you may be able to look at the Einstein hoax with clearer eyes.

  67. 141
    Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls

    But Nerd, dontchanow that Nostradamus was part of the conspiracy! Eleventy!

    And here I thought the History Channel was real…*snicker*

  68. 142


    Do you have a newsletter?

  69. 143
    morgan ?! epitheting a metaphor

    antifaith, you need help. Your ranting belongs in a clinical setting, not online. I hope you get help. And I hope you do not own guns.

  70. 144

    I’m really bored of earthonly/antifaith. It’s not even creative trolling, it’s just a bunch of “Protocols of the Learned Elders” conspiracy theories. Dump the shit, while you’re at it. Don’t give the sockpuppet users the joy of seeing their lunatic ramblings responded to by the fashionably-late-to-the-party.

  71. 145
    Rob Grigjanis

    @antifaith: ‘Hypothetical Muons’ is a great band name.

    Macro-evidence for Jew-science is right here, asshole.

    Citations for your alternate non-Jew theories are welcomed.

  72. 146

    “The Soviet Union was the second-most anti-Jewish government in history after Nazi Germany. Your neo-Nazi sources have sold you a bill of goods. Try reading actual history.”

    Wrong on both counts. The Soviet Union was a Jewish takeover of Russians. The Russians were largely backed by American oligarchs, and these oligarchs may have been under the leadership of European bankers.

    In the case of the Nazis that was deep cover Jewry just like when crypto-Jewish “Young Turks” from Salonica took over the Ottomans and destroyed the Ottoman Empire. Much the same happened in Germany. Hitler was Jewish. His sister was a bigshot in the Austrian Jewish chapter of Mensa. The top Nazis were Jews pretending to be German nationalists. They were financed by Jewish Bankers. Particularly the Warburgs. Warburgs were bigshot bankers in Germany before, during and after the war. No-one interned any Jew by the name of Rothschild anywhere in German occupied Europe. This was all Jewish-Oligarchical deep cover. How easily we were fooled. But the oligarchs think 100 years ahead. We see this in the fact of Schickelgruber changing his name to Hitler, and presumably in order to conform to a prophecy by Nostradamus to do with a fellow called Hister.

  73. 147

    “Macro-evidence for Jew-science is right here, asshole.”

    No it isn’t you are lying. Time is a concept. A concept cannot be stretched, dilated, compressed since a concept lacks shape. Only objects have shape so only objects can change shape.

    Time is a derivative concept based on simultaneity and regular movement. Einstein treating a concept as if it were an object is reification and Jew-Voo-Doo.

    Velocity is purely relative. So we are not entitled to say which object is at rest and which is moving.

  74. 148
    chigau (違う)

    What do you think about chemtrails?

  75. 149
    chigau (違う)

    What do you think about Mormons?

  76. 150

    Rob Grigjanis@145:

    Citations for your alternate non-Jew theories are welcomed.

    I think antifaith would consider traditional evidence for something to be actual evidence AGAINST something. The more scientists agree, the more the fix is in. Peer review is just more evidence for Teh Conspiracy!

  77. 151
    Xanthë, Amy of my threads

    My favourite recent example of putting General Relativity to the test – testing that six specific parameters agree with values predicted by the theory – is the double pulsar PSR J0737-3039A and B, located a couple of thousand light years away in Puppis. It’s the only known pair of co-orbiting neutron stars which are both pulsars, allowing precise timing of pulsar A for almost all of its orbit, and enough of pulsar B’s signals to reconstruct its motions to the exact point of co-rotation.

    General relativity survives gruelling pulsar test [CSIRO]

    Needless to say, GR came through with flying colours. Eat shit, troll.

  78. 152

    Ha ha ha. I just clicked the link by doofus above. And he cited the wikipedia revolution of mercury as evidence for Jew-Voo-Doo. That is to say he thinks that the orbit of Mercury is proof for space changing shape, whereas outside of his little mind only objects can change shape.

    The anomaly with Mercury was known about and would have been known about if Einstein had never been born. The problem comes with the deification of formulae. Any human-based formulae are only an approximation. And they only work well within certain boundaries. Mercury is too close to the sun to expect that the Newton formulas would work perfectly well. Different parts of the sun will be pulling Mercury from different angles because it is so close. When we go prospecting for gold and other ores we have planes that measure variations in gravity. If we were to tie matters in too much with the centre of the earth and rely on formulas (which are only approximations) this sort of prospecting would be impossible.

  79. 153
    Rob Grigjanis

    @antifaith This isn’t complicated, sunshine. Just give us your alternate theory explaining the perihelion precession of Mercury. If you can do better than the Jew, you may have a point. If not, you’re just another sad loser. Focus. Perihelion precession of Mercury. Theory. Explain.

  80. 154

    “General relativity survives gruelling pulsar test [CSIRO]”

    Of course it does. Its all circular reasoning. Its not worthwhile criticising general relativity because its a moveable feast and a gigantic fudge factor for the science fraud of special relativity.

  81. 155
    FossilFishy (NOBODY, and proud of it!)

    [re-stocks chigau’s shovel supply]

  82. 156

    “@antifaith This isn’t complicated, sunshine.”

    That is right. It isn’t complicated. There is no evidence for space changing shape. Only objects change space and not space. Or concepts. The science fraud Einstein had both space and concepts changing shape. Whereas no evidence exists for anything changing shape but objects. So really it isn’t complicated.

  83. 157
    FossilFishy (NOBODY, and proud of it!)

    Ad hominem, it’s not just a breakfast cereal, it’s world view that makes everything easy. Why just yesterday I was considering between two brands of shoes. A little research showed that one company might have a Jewish CEO: decision made!!!!111!!

  84. 158
    Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls

    There is no evidence for space changing shape

    Yet you don’t supply a peer reviewed scientific paper showing that, only your mere paranoid view….

  85. 159
    Rob Grigjanis

    @antifaith So you can’t explain the observed precession?

  86. 160

    I’d think the guy was that Mabus fella, but his spelling leads me to believe he is from the UK. I’m pretty sure Canadians spell “criticising” the way we do down here in ‘Murrica. Which is to say the right way.


  87. 161
    chigau (違う)

    What do you think about Reptilians?
    What do you think about Masons?
    (thanks FossilFishy)

  88. 162

    “Yet you don’t supply a peer reviewed scientific paper …”

    If you need a peer reviewed paper to tell you that only objects have shape and so only objects change shape then you need to castrate yourself before you pass the stupid gene on.

    “Ad hominem, it’s not just a breakfast cereal, it’s world view that makes everything easy. ”

    Bravo. Absolutely. Our science mafia uses ad hominem and the cult of personality in order to control our beliefs. I prefer to use insults and logic to point out where the mainstream is wrong.

  89. 163
    FossilFishy (NOBODY, and proud of it!)

    Un-evidenced assertion as argument: its not just a C-beam off the Tannhauser Gate, it’s a strategy that makes life easy. Why just yesterday I wanted to convince my child that there were no monsters in her closet. I yelled at her from the lounge room: “Of course there are no monsters in you closet. Sheesh.” and saved myself all the trouble of walking to her room, not to mention the difficulty of opening the closet door.

  90. 164

    “What do you think about Reptilians?
    What do you think about Masons?”

    Well you like to be open-minded. I listened to an interview of the fellow who David Icke is thought to have gotten that one from. I couldn’t see anything in it. In the case of the Masons the ruling elite will capture or attempt to capture any coherent group who are good with secrecy. So whether its the leadership of the Catholic Church, or the leadership of the Masons, or the leadership of elite Jewry, there will be a tendency for these people to be captured, corrupted and controlled from the top. So then the rest of us can be controlled more easily. So in that way you may object that I am being unfair in that Jews are just one more captured group. I would accept that criticism. But you have to get the Jewish racism line out there up front or you will be wrong-footed by these delicate flowers.

  91. 165

    Yet you don’t supply a peer reviewed scientific paper showing that, only your mere paranoid view….

    “PEER reviewed joo voodoo is still JOO VOODOO!!!!@@!21!”

  92. 166


    You’ll find that Canadians spell ‘criticising’ either way. The American variant is a little more popular, but both forms are present.

  93. 167


    Thank you! Wikipedia fails me again. 😦

  94. 168
    FossilFishy (NOBODY, and proud of it!)

    “Ad hominem, it’s not just a breakfast cereal, it’s world view that makes everything easy. ” 

    Bravo. Absolutely. Our science mafia uses ad hominem and the cult of personality in order to control our beliefs. I prefer to use insults and logic to point out where the mainstream is wrong.

    [looks down at the smoking ruin of his irony meter]

    Hey! That was a gift from my late mother, you monster!

  95. 169
    Rob Grigjanis

    @antifaith The Jew Einstein gave us testable numbers. They’ve been verified. Give us testable numbers or shut the fuck up. You got nothing, cupcake.

  96. 170

    “@antifaith So you can’t explain the observed precession?” Only to the extent that a single formula cannot substitute for a mechanism. We don’t have a rational mainstream mechanism for gravity. The covert ops people may have one. But anyone attempting to formulate a mechanism for gravity can never go mainstream and complete the work.

    So how much of the sun is solid and how much is gas? Comets normalise their orbits, pull in their entourage and become either moons or planets when they are captured. Moons grow to rocky planets. Rocky planets to gas giants. Gas giants to stars. Along the way many of these will explode and there we have an endless cycle that has presumably gone on for a trillion to the power of a trillion years.

    If we had a mechanism for gravity and we had the makeup of the sun then we could explain Mercuries movement a lot better. But there is no mystery to it in that we would not have expected the one formula to carry the entirety of gravitational observations within it.

    Now it is said by stupid people that spectroscopy shows us that the sun is mostly hydrogen. This is idiocy since the outer ionosphere of any large body is going to be mostly hyrdrogen. By mass we would expect the sun to be mostly iron. Since iron is held to be the most stable of all atoms then in the universe around us we would expect most of the mass to be iron. If there is more hydrogen by mass then iron that will be just a result of protons breaking away from all other matter.

    So you see the formula just won’t do. And a mechanism to fully predict how Mercury ought to be moving awaits an understanding of the make-up of the sun and not just where its centre-point is. The photosphere is akin to the suns outer-atmosphere. Got nothing to do with its solid or molten “planetary” surface.

  97. 171

    antifaith sez:

    Well you like to be open-minded.

    You combine close-minded racism with a mind so open to every whacked out conspiracy theory that your brain is practically oozing from your skull. I think the most accurate term is sieve-minded.

  98. 172


    Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Great book? Or greatest book?

  99. 173

    “@antifaith The Jew Einstein gave us testable numbers” The Jew Einstein only gave us lies and voodoo. Its not possible to prove qualitative idiocy true by way of quantitative means. But you have to give the fraud chutzpah points for trying that con on.

  100. 174
    Rey Fox

    Wow. Growing Earth and luminiferous aether. We got a live one here.

    I went to a Jewish kids birthday party one time

    I’m pretty sure this was a violation of your parole.

  101. 175

    “Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Great book? Or greatest book?”

    It was held to be a forgery. But a forgery is when you paint something and put a false name to it. No-one says that it was stolen meeting minutes. What is notable about it was that it predicted everything perfectly. One assumes that it could have been a distillation of what the Czars secret police managed to come up with.

    In any case no evidence exists that it was purely made from new cloth. How could it be when all those plans have been faithfully carried out? Once you have the money power you can make any prophecy come true, you can control everyone, and then history becomes a stage play. Its pretty much been that way since 1913. Wars have just been genocides in disguise since then. Politics has just been a staged play for the most part.

  102. 176
    morgan ?! epitheting a metaphor

    antifaith, why is it all the Jew’s fault?

  103. 177
    Rey Fox

    What do you think about fluoridation?

  104. 178

    Well, I wasn’t going to comment, because I was so ambivalent about vanishing posts, but circumstances have concentrated my thinking a bit.

    Slyme should be cratered. Ordinary trolls should have their droppings left as evidence. But sockpuppets should be oblivionated. They just want to see their drooling fanaticism publicly posted. They will go to any lengths to keep it up. Their gratification should be removed, even at the cost of hashing up the comment numbers. Any educational value they may have is no loss, because somebody else will be around with the same stupid arguments within, at most, a few weeks. There are plenty of chances to demonstrate troll-fighting prowess to the learners and lurkers.

    I really hate comment numbers to get screwed up, for obvious reasons, but until Jason or somebody can come up with a tool for batch disemvoweling or bunnification or something, I’m willing to cope.

  105. 179
    chigau (違う)


  106. 180
    FossilFishy (NOBODY, and proud of it!)

    nich and Rey Fox No fair stealing from chigau’s shovel pile like that!

  107. 181

    So, what are the odds that antifaith is a sockpuppet of earthonly?

  108. 182

    “What do you think about fluoridation?”

    Malicious damage to entire populations. The oligarchs poisoning the water. Its a known nerve poison and therefore a brain poison. Imagine that you think too much sun is damaging to the skin? Should you then drink suntan lotion? Of course not. If you can believe in fluoridation there is nothing that these people cannot make you believe.

    The thyroid hormone consists largely of a tyrosine molecule and four Iodine molecules coming off it. Lighter halogens tend to be more greedy then the more massive halogens. The fluoride in the water will grab the place of one of those Iodine molecules thus neutralising the effect of the hormone molecule. So what has happened is hypo-thyroidism and all the modern medical problems that go along with that condition.

    You could say for shorthand that its Jews poisoning the water again just like in the middle ages. But on the other hand there are many many more people involved then just this crime gang.

  109. 183

    Besides, maybe if the trolls can’t just sockpuppet the same old persistent drivel without getting erased, maybe, far-fetched, but maybe, they’ll improve their game a bit.

    Q. Can a change in environmental conditions cause trolls to evolve differently adaptive behavior? If they’re creationists, will this make their heads asplode in an entertaining manner?

    I know, I know. Wishful thinking. Rainbows and ponies.

  110. 184


    Chemtrails is malicious damage to entire populations. Like poisoning the water with fluoride. Like all the wars since 1913. But its dual-use. In our electric solar system there is a buildup of charge difference between the ionosphere and the deep earth. Instead of using this knowledge to draw off electrical energy our oligarchs instead use it for malicious damage to entire populations. Extreme weather events, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions can sometimes be caused if one increases the conductivity of the air. This can only be done through ionisation. Ionisation is assisted by chemtrails as they are metallic particulates and so we have a dual use attack on the public.

    Magnets. Yeah. Still a bit of a mystery via the incompetence of twentieth century science. Really they are to do with the movement of electrical energy from the ionosphere to the deep earth. Because to have a magnetic force you need an electrical current. One wonders if you could conduct and experiment where they stopped working under certain conditions. I find them pretty fascinating. I’m not going to pretend I know a lot about them.

    The tides are of course the result of the orbit of the moon. Also there is a tidal force acting on the earth. And this will help with mountain-building. There are other sources of mountaining then just the force of the moon though. But one of them is NOT plate tectonics, which is not true because it is impossible.

  111. 185
    chigau (違う)

    Are you arguing for something?
    Do you feel like making a statement?

  112. 186

    “antifaith, why is it all the Jew’s fault?”

    It may sound like I’m saying that. But its really just shorthand for the covert-ops/money-power. I cannot know who the decision-makers are when it comes to our oppressors. Its important never to be ashamed of pointing out the disproportionate level of Jewish wrong-doing. Its as if it were a social faux pas to point out pedophilia within the Catholic hierarchy.

  113. 187
    FossilFishy (NOBODY, and proud of it!)

    So, what are the odds that antifaith is a sockpuppet of earthonly?

    299,792,458 to 1 in favour. Mind you, that’s only true in the vacuum of antifaith’s head.

  114. 188
    Xanthë, Amy of my threads

    “@antifaith So you can’t explain the observed precession?” Only to the extent that a single formula cannot substitute for a mechanism. We don’t have a rational mainstream mechanism for gravity. The covert ops people may have one. But anyone attempting to formulate a mechanism for gravity can never go mainstream and complete the work.
    So how much of the sun is solid and how much is gas? Comets normalise their orbits, pull in their entourage and become either moons or planets when they are captured. Moons grow to rocky planets. Rocky planets to gas giants. Gas giants to stars. Along the way many of these will explode and there we have an endless cycle that has presumably gone on for a trillion to the power of a trillion years.
    If we had a mechanism for gravity and we had the makeup of the sun then we could explain Mercuries movement a lot better. But there is no mystery to it in that we would not have expected the one formula to carry the entirety of gravitational observations within it.
    Now it is said by stupid people that spectroscopy shows us that the sun is mostly hydrogen. This is idiocy since the outer ionosphere of any large body is going to be mostly hyrdrogen. By mass we would expect the sun to be mostly iron. Since iron is held to be the most stable of all atoms then in the universe around us we would expect most of the mass to be iron. If there is more hydrogen by mass then iron that will be just a result of protons breaking away from all other matter.
    So you see the formula just won’t do. And a mechanism to fully predict how Mercury ought to be moving awaits an understanding of the make-up of the sun and not just where its centre-point is. The photosphere is akin to the suns outer-atmosphere. Got nothing to do with its solid or molten “planetary” surface.

    Preserving this comment so that this rather sublime example of idiocy will be saved when PZ gets around to deleting all of this troll’s ravings.

    How many things have you got wrong in such a small space? We do have a rational, if still incomplete, mechanism for gravity: have a read about the Higgs field mechanism. And there’s plenty of people working on theoretical extensions there. Sorry, did you say covert ops? LOLocopter.
    Astronomically, your ravings are a mess. You’ve gotten a twisted idea of the development of solar system bodies probably from reading too much Velikovsky. You’ve obviously no idea about the composition of the sun, or any other solar system bodies. You’ve regurgitated some half-digested ideas about iron being the most stable nuclei without understanding that in terms of the nuclear fusion of elements iron is at the end-cycle of a star’s energy generation, when all of the lighter elements have been consumed; or similarly mangled and warped ideas about using spectroscopy that can only reveal information about a body’s surface. Even then, you’ve got no idea about the terminology: you don’t even know the difference between the photosphere and the chromosphere, for example. And you certainly don’t have the maths to be able to cope with the rather easier cases of Newtonian and Keplerian orbital analysis, let alone the tensor math to be able to deal with the well-known effects of GR such as the orbit of Mercury. Ten to the twelve raised to the power of ten to the twelve years? LOLagoogle.

    In short, your science is nothing more than a cargo cult of stolen items you don’t know the meaning of, and the demonstration of your intellectual capabilities indicate you are nothing more than a ranting crank. Do have a fun time with that.

  115. 189

    “Are you arguing for something?
    Do you feel like making a statement?”

    I am arguing for science based on evidence. PZ is in favour of dogmatism based on faith. So I cannot respect his blog as if it were his private property. He’s part of the problem.

  116. 190
    Rey Fox

    Oh damn.

    Antifaith, vaccines, go!

    (I apologize to everyone else)

  117. 191
    chigau (違う)

    just so you know
    <blockquote>paste copied text here</blockquote>
    does this

    paste copied text here

  118. 192
    FossilFishy (NOBODY, and proud of it!)


    I am arguing for science based on evidence. 

    And yet you present no evidence.

    Why, it’s almost like you haven’t any. Strange that, given how strongly repetitively you’re asserting your claims.

  119. 193

    “How many things have you got wrong in such a small space? We do have a rational, if still incomplete, mechanism for gravity: have a read about the Higgs field mechanism.”

    Ha ha ha ha ha. You stupid woman. Clearly there is no mainstream voodoo that you aren’t going to believe. Gravity and mass are TENSION. They are not voodoo concepts but proof of connection. The existence of gravity means that all protons and neutrons are connected to each-other either directly or indirectly. It cannot be otherwise or our orbits would unravel.

    There is no Higgs Boson. No particle can carry the mass for the other particles. Mass and gravity proves connection. It in no way backs up modern VooDoo. Or for shorthand Jew-Voo-Doo. No evidence has ever surfaced for a Higgs Boson. The problem with these particle physics frauds is that no-one is in the position to audit them. Whereas Special relativity is available for all of us to laugh at. And whereas the claims of the big bang are manifest in their idiocy.


  1. Rey Fox asked about vaccines. I can deal with this and GMO foods together. Here we must differentiate between the CONCEPT of vaccines and GMO foods and the practice of them. They are both potentially valuable concepts. But they are being used for malicious damage to entire populations. Like the irradiation of Iraq and Japan or the fluoridation of our water. They are poisoning us with these vaccines. But competent production of vaccines could work in a better world. Its just a way for bad people to make money and hurt people at the same time. Malicious evil.

  2. Say want you want about Myers’ idiocy and there’s a lot to talk about. You gotta admit he was HOT when sucking cock! I know you paid top dollar for the servive back in the days when you wasn’t a loser.

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