Posted by: graemebird | August 23, 2006

Liars, Suckers, Naifs And Prize Dupes At Prodeo.

Like many lock-step dumb-leftists before them the SUCKERS at Prodeo have managed to ALIBI Saddam of involvement with 9/11.

But they haven’t been able to do it without recourse to two things.

1. Lying.

2. Making assumptions about ends and means between factions of differing ideologies that HAVE NO HISTORICAL PRECEDENT AT ALL.

Now what I would like to see is if they can Alibi Saddam WITHOUT this sort of lying and stupidity.

There is simply no precedent for believing that people of middling power and differing long-term goals don’t work with eachother.

No precedent at all.


Here are the posts that haven’t gotten through. And I like Kate. But I’ve got a perfectly good post on the other thread that she won’t let through and thats annoying.

PanelbeaterBird on 23 August 2006 at 7:35 pm
No Katz.

Bush is just mistaken or he’s trying to avoid the commie-witch-hunt. Or he’s using shorthand for “we don’t have absolute proof”.

But Saddams fingerprints are all over BOTH those WTC attacks.

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PanelbeaterBird on 23 August 2006 at 7:37 pm [edit]
Thats all bullshit Mick.

You’re a prize dupe.

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PanelbeaterBird on 23 August 2006 at 7:40 pm [edit]
BBEP seems to have fogotten the 17 security council resolutions. And that Saddam broke the magnanimous ceasefire within 3 weeks.

And that effectively they never were NOT in a state of war.

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PanelbeaterBird on 23 August 2006 at 8:49 pm [edit]
Under Clinton the CIA tried a number of coups.

And it needlessly got a lot of Iraqis killed.

Chalabi TOLD the CIA that they were hopelessly compromised and they’s get people killed for no good reason. But Clinton was too gutless to take Saddam on head-on and the CIA is a joke and have had a vendetta going with Chalabi ever since. They are so goddamned hateful.

Anyhow its a bad policy. But targeting the top 2 000 guys for assasination is a great deal more doable. Its one thing for Saddam to get about the place hiding in Palaces. But if you are knocking off the top 2 000 guys eventually the will hand Saddams head on a plate as a peace offering.

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  1. sorry bird but NOBODY believes Saddam had anything to do with 9/11 anymore, not even Bush. you’re on your own on this one. Saddam and OBL are not buddies. they’d kill each other in a heartbeat.

  2. Where’s your evidence Jason.

    None of your arguments above could pass the simplest of logic-fallacy-hurdles.

  3. Where’s YOUR evidence,? We know who planned 9/11. It was OBL. Now prove a link with Saddam.

  4. The crime scene has been degraded. But we can prove that his involvement is the best default position if we:

    1. Dissallow lying.

    2. Be quits with the idiot assumptions of Mick Strummer. And as expressed by yourself:

    “Saddam and OBL are not buddies. they’d kill each other in a heartbeat.” What has THAT got to do with anything. Saddam particularly would kill ANYONE in a heartbeat. Total irrationality. Try again.

    3. Apply methodology in an objective way.

  5. “sorry bird but NOBODY believes Saddam had anything to do with 9/11 anymore, not even Bush. you’re on your own on this one. Saddam and OBL are not buddies. they’d kill each other in a heartbeat.”

    Break that down and come at it from a number of angles. And then see if you can find some sort of argument in there.

  6. It’s not just the ideological implausibility. It’s the general implausibility of motivation. why the heck would Saddam want to fuck with the US Graeme? he was having enough problems already. They could have his head on a platter anytime if they proved a real connection – and they did even without it. Saddam is not a madman. No means, No motivation, no case – unless you supply evidence. we already have our suspect, and he’s confirmed it and said nothing about Saddam’s involvement. Why?

    Bird, if someone makes an extraordinary claim like ‘there are people on the moon with 2 foot pricks’ the onus of proof is on them.

  7. Well for starters there IS NO ideological implausibility. None.

    We have to break this one down bit by bit since the crime scene is fucked up and the bullshit momentum is so very strong. We will get to the analytical methodology soon. But not before we get rid of any outstanding bits of bullshit.

    And the first thing that must go is this alleged IDEOLOGICAL IMPLAUSIBILITY.

    There is simply no historical precedent for such an assumption. No-one has EVER assumed that folks with differing Eschatological goals don’t co-operate. In fact they build secret co-operative arrangements more readily then anyone else.

    Eschatologists ban together against normal human beings.

    But quite apart from that…. Is Europe ideologically in with Arafatia????

    Well they gave that terrorist dictatorship BILLIONS of dollars and the Americans gave them hundreds of millions. Money spent to kill Jews and Westerners and to incite hate.

    So the first thing I have to get you to realise is that that assumption must be sent to the fires in its totality. It having not the slightest thing to reccomend for it.

  8. ” we already have our suspect, and he’s confirmed it and said nothing about Saddam’s involvement. Why?”

    You’ve never really studied terrorism before have you Jason.

  9. Birdy, my apologies that many of your comments were held up. I wasn’t in front of a computer from 3pm til just before, and I’ve now moderated them. I’ve let the ones that don’t abuse other people through. Sorry about that, I realise it impedes your participation, but if you could refrain from saying nasty things to other commenters, well…

  10. In the past I’ve found that this is no guarantee that the comments get through. Still I’ll be most interested in finding out what DID make the cut.

  11. Kimbarella its no good. Its too long after the fact and Strummer was able to put out his intense stupidity and Katz her intense hatefulness without proper attention being brought to either aspect.

    Imagine buying into this idea that people of different ideologies A Priori don’t work together.

    Truly brainless.

  12. I’m very busy at the moment Birdy.

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